IRL Soundboard
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Item #: RPC-XXX

Object Class: Alpha

Containment Protocols: RPC-XXX is to be contained at Site-002's IT department, in a standard low level containment locker with a power cable going from RPC-XXX to a power outlet. As RPC-XXX's properties do not manifest unless touched by a human, all
personnel must get permission from Lead Researcher Tesla before using RPC-XXX.

Description: RPC-XXX is a Yamaha MG10XU, Physically there is no difference between RPC-XXX and a typical model of the same make minus a strip white duct tape on the side that reads “████████ ██ ████” when plugged into any typical live sound setup RPC-XXX behaves like any model of its kind. How ever RPC-XXX doesn't require a power cable to receive power, plugging a power cable into RPC-XXX renders it inoperable. It is currently unknown how RPC-XXX powers itself on however Lead Researcher Tesla theories that RPC-XXX may be pulling energy from the quantum plane.

RPC-XXX second anomalous properties are reveal when it is unplugged from a sound system. Should a human (hereafter referred to as RPC-XXX-1) touch RPC-XXX, RPC-XXX will begin to attach to anything the user thinks of so long as it makes soundwaves. RPC-XXX will then begin to label itself at the bottom of the channels with the respective things RPC-XXX-1 thinks of. Once this processes is finished RPC-XXX-1 can use RPC-XXX to effect to the sound potential of whatever has been labeled on RPC-XXX, ranging from increasing the sound to equal that of a jet engine or muting it all together. These changes don’t seem to harm or otherwise greatly affect whatever is attached to RPC-XXX leading researchers to believe that RPC-XXX changes the soundwaves on the quantum level.





Researcher Thompson:


Researcher Thompson:

Piss of teenager fucks everyone!

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